Since the Enlightenment period the only truth is that which can be empirically verified. Any form of truth which would seek to limit science morally cannot be tolerated and has to be denied as mere subjective opinion. In the pursuit of perfection, science is trying to develop the perfect person. We have mapped the human genome, we seek to stamp out every type of physical, genetic, emotional, and mental defect. With embryonic stem cell research, science seeks to unlock the secrets of life. Man makes man in man's own image. We have embraced eugenics again. Even though we have the Special Olympics to celebrate the achievements of those otherwise looked at with fear, we have no tolerance for letting them exist. Genetic testing for Downs Syndrome and other diseases has increased the number of abortions and decreased the number of mentally handicapped people we see in our society. Having to care for the weak, innocent, and different among us apparently makes us too weak and vulnerable.
Jesus calls us to become as little children, for to these belong the kingdom of God. We are called to "present [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God." (Rom 12:1) Innocence and weakness are what he embraced as his cross and we are called to this also. Peter exhorts us to "be zealous to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace." (2 Peter 3:14).
Jesus gave himself up for the church "so as to present the church to himself in splendour, without a spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind—yes, so that she may be holy and without blemish." (Eph 5:27). In short Christ seeks to make us in his image: holy, spotless, without blemish--a sacrifice acceptable to God.
"We offer unto your excellent Majesty, of your gifts and presents, a pure Victim, a holy Victim, an immaculate Victim, the holy bread of eternal life, andthe chalice of everlasting salvation.
Offerimus praeclarae Majestai tuae, de tuis donis ac datis, Hostiam puram, Hostiam sanctam, Hostiam immaculatam, panem sanctum vitae aeternae, et calicem salutis perpetuae." (Roman Canon)
Jesus kept his Mother Mary from any spot or blemish. She was conceived without sin in lieux of the merits of his Life, Death and Resurrection. This "immaculate" conception took place to offer sacrifice, The Sacrifice of God the Son, Incarnate to God the Almighty Father as an atonement for all the sins of the world. Mary is the Church par excellant on Calvalry offering the One, Holy, Immaculate, Acceptable Sacrifice once and for all in union with her Son the High Priest. Our physical and spriritual birth defects are made holy and perfect when they are offered in union with Christ on the Cross to the Father. Let us not forget to thank God for his plan of salvation that included so great a gift as Mary's Immaculate Conception. Let us never tire of seeking her intercession as she has never stopped offering her Son on our behalf.
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